You don't have to go to Diagon Alley to get a wand anymore.

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Ever wanted to buy your very own wand for your first day at Hogwarts or maybe wanted to finally try your luck with those Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and pray you don't get Earwax flavor? Well, you're in luck!
You can do all that and more when the world's only official flagship store housing the largest collection of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts products opens in New York on June 3rd. Fans will be greeted by "a huge model of Fawkes the Phoenix gazing down from the ceiling" when they walk in and familiar sightings from the movies such as the "whimsical surrounding of Honeydukes" or the Dirigible Plum tree where you can buy a stuffed magical creature toy (because stuffed teddy bears don't compare anymore).
In addition to getting your own wand to take home, an interactive wand table lets you try them out just like Harry did in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone until you find one that fits. Then you can top off your experience by taking a photo with your new wand inside a London phone box as if you're headed to the Ministry of Magic!
Photo credit: Harry Potter New York/Screenshot
This is just a glimpse of some of the new shop's features when it opens its doors at 935 Broadway. If you're eager and want to get your hands on a few Harry Potter products now or can't get to New York, some are already available at the Harry Potter shop.

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Do you plan on visiting Harry Potter New York?